Resilient Communities

People smiling and holding backpacks

A resilient community offers everyone accessible and affordable systems of care, strong neighborhoods, and coordinated response during disasters and emergencies.

That’s why we focus on bringing people together around big issues both proactively, and in response to the unexpected.

  • Strengthening housing security
  • Mental and physical health and wellness
  • Recovery-based programs
  • Crisis response.

United Way and our partners are working to strengthen the networks that support us in our times of needs, whether it’s through our work in disaster response and preparedness, support for volunteer engagement programs that mobilize our community towards addressing pressing needs, or through investments in community mediation solutions, group supports and interventions, and more.

When unexpected disasters strike, United Way and our partners are ready to respond swiftly and effectively. Recent years required us to respond to tornadoes and floods, and an unprecedented pandemic.

With each crisis, we did what we do best. We mobilized funding, advocacy, and volunteer power to respond, living up to the tagline of “Give. Advocate. Volunteer.” as the blueprint for tackling tough issues.

The COVID-19 Relief Fund, to date, has raised and distributed over $2.2m to support nonprofits and those they serve during the pandemic, in addition to the year-round funding provided by United Way to its partners. 

The recent initiative to advance housing security, supported by the community and housed at United Way, is one model for bringing all of us together around a shared goal.