2-1-1 Needs Your Support!

2-1-1 is now celebrating its 8th year of service in Monroe and Owen counties, and has clearly proven it is a valuable tool for our community. It saves time for residents and provides the best information for their particular needs.

Individuals who need help with food, housing, employment, child care, health care, counseling, or senior services can call 2-1-1 for immediate assistance. Certified call specialists are available 24/7 to connect callers with the help they seek.

To continue this free, confidential, 24/7 service, 2-1-1 needs support beyond grants from local organizations like United Way and Area 10 Agency on Aging. Fortunately, the Indiana legislature is considering ways to help.

Supporting House Bill 1010 will ensure that 2-1-1 has the funding it needs so current information and trained specialists are available to help your family and friends when they need it most.

For more information, visit the Indiana 2-1-1 Facebook page.